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The Making of: Friends

I have seen Friends two times all the way through and I roughly knew how it was made but I did not know the effort and time that it took for just one episode. I knew that it was a sitcom and it was filmed in Warner Brother’s studio with a live audience but I didn’t know that there were all of these last-minute changes while filming and all of the people that helped create the single episode. This ‘making of’ video showed the directors and scriptwriters of the show in a meeting to crack down on all of the jokes and stage movement and lines. Then they had the actors do a run through to change lines and placement to make it funnier. Then they brought in the live audience and filmed using 4 cameras to capture all of the energy. They had some of the actors improve jokes to make the script funnier. The video also showed the editing process and how having to trim down a minute and thirty seconds can be a living hell. One thing I did not know about the production before was the amount of work and people that go into all of the ‘behind the scenes’ work. There were at least 30 people on the set while filming and at least 15 writers all working. One hardship that the cast and crew went through while making the show was if the audience did not get a joke or line – how would they overcome it? In replacement, they would ask the audience if they did not get the joke and then have the writers/directors or the actors come up with new jokes to make the audience laugh more. The process from script to screen, as I said, contained lots of rewrites, late nights, and continuous effort from many people. I think I would like to work on a film set like Friends because everyone has their own job in making the ‘one whole’ and they all work together to get the job done. If I was able to work on a set like this, I would want to either be one of the actors, DOP, or editors. I love all of these things!

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