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I would say that I have worked hard this semester. I have mainly focused on making three films and two of them got completed. I did not rack my cell phone every day but I have not gone on my phone unless it was urgent or if it was for a film that I was making (like taking notes or contacting people or sending emails). I am always on time to class and I do usually get directly to work. One hour and twenty minutes is not a long time so it is good to make the most of it. I have stayed on task while out filming but make sure that we can have a little fun and be easy with each other. 

The BBA Nancy Detector was my first real film this semester. I did most of the acting and not really the filming. But, I did get to edit it which was fun for me. I do not have any screenshots of the film but here is the final:







U & US was my visual storytelling piece that I directed, filmed, and edited. It was a long process with lots of emails to my crew, giving notes to my dancer (listed below) and finding all of the right cuts and best cuts to use. The biggest challenge was the green screen shot because it was my first time doing something like this and it was hard to figure out. Here are some notes that I gave to Julia and then the final:







Hannah Samtana did not get finished. It was a very hard film to pull off because we had to create all of the graphics and it was basically just Celsey and me doing all of the work. Next year, I think we will have more experience and will better understand the importance of time management and organization. 

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